The Mandate.
Hello, my name is Allan Mulholland.
I’m the author of “The POWER of PERSONA PROFILING” and creator of PERSONA-COACH™, a unique and proprietary method of Life and Business Coaching that is fundamentally different from any other conventional coaching model.
In this series of daily mini-videos, I will feature one specific quote or strategy taken from the Power of Persona Profiling or the PERSONA-COACH™ Certification Program.
Each quote is 100% original, authentic and unique and contains a valuable message for any Life/Business Coach!
Here’s today’s quote or strategy:
“The Mandate”
In my last video, I told you that you must create a new Persona Profile for success!
And once you develop your new Persona Profile, you must give it the ultimate power!
You must give your new Persona Profile a MANDATE!
Now I will show you how to develop a MANDATE for your new Persona Profile.
There are many who believe that talking to a baby that is still in the womb will lead to a closer bond with the child later on.
Playing classical music to an unborn child stimulates the brain functions.
Even plants have been known to grow better when exposed to music or the human voice.
While your new Persona Profile is being ‘created’ over a period of exactly 100 days . . .
. . . I strongly encourage you to carry on ‘in vitro’ dialogueswith your new Persona Profile.
You probably don’t want to do this in front of those who will define ‘who you are’based on your new Persona Profile.
They may draw the wrong conclusions about your sanity!
So it’s best to have these conversations in the quite solitude of a park or beach.
The reason that you want to have these conversations, is to give your new Persona Profile a clear and concise understanding of its purpose.
Its raison d’être!
Call it conditioning.
Call it ‘subliminal programming’.
Call it whatever you want!
It is important for your new Persona Profile to be aware of all the things you want to achieve.
It is important for your new Persona Profile to know what is expected of ‘IT’.
It is important for your new Persona Profile to fully understand why ‘IT’ needs to become “you” in exactly 100 days!
It is important for your new Persona Profile to know its MANDATE.
And since you’re really having a conversation with the Future YOU . . .
. . . it is a great way to verbalize the things you want to achieve with your new Persona Profile . . .
. . . and the ways in which ‘IT’ is going to achieve them!
You must always ‘talk’ to your new Persona Profile in the ‘third person’.
Your new Persona Profile is ‘IT’ for exactly 100 days before ‘IT’ is ready to become ‘You’!
This is an important distinction!
You are not trying to re-program your ‘old’ Persona Profile!
You are not trying to re-program anything!
In exactly 100 days you will install a brand new ‘Operating System for the Human Hard-Drive known as the MIND!’
In exactly 100 days you will be working with brand new, state-of-the-art Persona Profile.
No more program crashes!
You must have regular ‘in vitro’ dialogueswith your new Persona Profile and talk about . . .
ü your goals and ambitions
ü your new and empowering emotions
ü the way you will act as a Leader
ü your new values
ü your new attitudes , and . . .
. . . all the things that your “re-birth” has in store.
Have these conversations often and be focused on the Future when you have your ‘in vitro dialogues’.
Now start talking!
In my next video, I’m going to show you how you can EXPLODE YOUR COACHING PRACTICE with the Power of Persona Profiling!
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If you’d like to learn more about becoming a trained & certified PERSONA-COACH™, I invite you to visit our website at
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