- keyword
- location
- recency
- language spoken
- ability to remove profiles with default picture
- ability to remove profiles with urls in tweets or biography
- containing a word: twitter
- Containing multiple words: twitter marketing
- Negation: twitter -marketing
- Exact phrase: “twitter marketing”
- OR: twitter OR tweets
- Containing a hash tag: #twitter
- Not From a user: -from:username
- To a user: to:username
- Mentioning a user: @username
- Ability to remove results of users that posted a link in their tweet
- Ability to remove results of users that only have a default profile picture
- Never follow the same person twice
- Special BlackList to block following to specific people
- Auto Follow Twitter Users – Fully Control Twitter following with Follower Ratio, Max # of follows per day
- Auto Follow Stop Feature – Automatically stops when Twitter follow limits are reached
- Random Time Delay Settings- You choose what time intervals between follows, unfollows, tweets, and direct messages
- Ability to unfollow ALL except your personal WHITELIST
- Auto Unfollow Twitter Users: Unfollow by #, follower to follow ratios, users who do not follow back with time frames
- Safe White List: Create a list of twitter users to never unfollow
- Automated Tweets post throughout the day
- Post Tweets to Facebook, Linkedin, and Myspace!!
- Unique Tweet Generator – creates unique tweets automatically
- RSS Tweets – tweets any RSS feed whether from your blog updates, or any other source
- @Reply Tweets – post a random tweet @someone who posts a tweet directed @you
- Re-Tweets- Automatically retweet another user
- Url shortener – Shorten long URLs automatically
- Mp3 Poster – Bands and artists can upload Mp3s to www.mp3twit.com and share on twitter
- Symbols – Access to special UTF8 characters like stars, arrows, and smileys
- Link History – Easy access to previously shortened URLs and Mp3s
- Post Tweets with random time delay
- Thank you Direct Messaging – sends messages to your new followers
- Standard Direct Messaging – Sends messages to your followers
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