Are you new in internet business? Are you looking forward to make lots of money with absolutely no money? Then look no forward here is your chance. If you are new in this business then i would suggest you to do what i did and gained lots of money at the beggining of my internet money making career. When i was new i too searched many new jobs that require absolutely no money to start with, the first job i encountered with was the surveys take my advice you would'nt want to do that, but still it made me a few bucks for the cost of my precious time. Then i tried out online typing and then the ad clicking job. These jobs are horrible, they take more work than they pay. The only help i found from these jobs is understanding e-business. Ya they took lots of time from me but still i don't regret that time because that is helping me now to earn huge amount of money with out any work but still this requires some effort at the beginning. Let me tell you that most of the websites do this to make money.
As i was new i did'nt know much about the things in this business so i started with buying a domain at the very beginning itself ( my first mistake ) then i wrote about the best thing i ever knew (about physics) i just kept on writing and continued it till i reached 50 big articles which took me approximately 30 days in which i worked on it for 3 hours a day ( my second mistake ) then immediately i added my domain into google and immediately applied for google adsense(the most popular monetising company) and waited for many days. But the google replied me that my website contained unacceptable web content. I was shocked and frustrated, to an extent that i left this e business for more than 3 months then i took a challenge and i did research about regection of my application from google, lots of it. then i came to know that one of the main criteria they looked was the traffic. Then i looked up to other monetizations like kontera(too low payments per click, as low as 0.07$!!). I did not leave google too. I was so determined to get accepted that i was ready to spend even 1000$ for it( not to make money from it but for the challenge i took ) so i continued and i looked up to the clicks we get in exchange for money(my third mistake) but this took money and also it gave me a big head ache too my bouncing rate leaped like an air craft and reached which is also a set back for getting an adsense account. Continuing i then started advertising my website through ppc and banners(my fourth mistake) spending nearly 1000usd!!.
After this suddenly my way was changed by some of the advertising tactics and and traffic tricks which returned me my investments within 5 months(too long if i had this much knowledge):
Here are how to start the business without any investment!!!!(The long way as i know)
1) create a free website or blog taking a topic of your interest(in or
2) Do research on the key words related to your topic(way too boring and way too time consuming and may cost you).
3) Write some 15-20 blogs or articles with the found key words repeated for about 3-4 times at the starting and closing paragraphs(still time consuming).
4) Then use free public places like twitter and face book for your advertisement by following people and making people follow you and giving them your domain address and making them come to your site(requires 30-40 days to start its effect for a pro!!!).
5) Submitting your best articles to ezines and article directories to get back links(very effective as 1000's can read your articles and then get impressed by your style and hence can visit your website but too time consuming and hard to write articles).
6) After you get sufficient traffic(which is for sure if you do the above steps exactly as told) apply to google ad sense and you will get your account for sure. And then you can purchase the domain from the money you get from ad sense. This will get you a golden egg(well earning web site) in about 1/2 an year!!!
Now here's the shortcut which got me 2 websites which got approved in 2 months and started each earning 100$ in the first month of monetisation and earning leaped to 1000$in the next few months. And i am getting 2400$a month per website.
1) As usually start creating free blog or web site.
2) (The shortcut which saves you 2nd and 3rd step) Use article writer and re writer software that i used for writing articles way beyond the standard you would have written from months of research since this contains all the requisite information required for guiding you in writing the best articles( letting you to use your knowledge to full extent and that too in a professional way and in very small period of time ).
3) Instead of using twitter and face book and other public sites just write articles(from the article writer and re write software) in minutes and submitting it to ezines and press releases and article directories creating back links to your website and bringing lots of traffic interested in reading your writings to your website.
4) Just apply to google adsense and get the best paid advertisements for your websites from google and gain lots of money from it. This would start earning you money in less than 2-3 months!!!!.
So what are you waiting for get the article writer and rewriter now by visiting choosing from a lot of products from it. All the best for your career.
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